Monday, 25 February 2019

The art of grassing with Tracy Ann

For some time I have been ignoring Tracy Ann Oberman on Twitter.  A task I have achieved with some success due to a facility known as the block button despite the fact that she's always all over it spewing endless tweets that are like a form of rhetorical urticaria.

For those of you who are unaware of her Ms Oberman is Jewish and talks a lot about the Labour Party and anti-Semitism.  She does acting stuff and writes for the Jewish Chronicle and if one was to believe her tweets it’s pretty much like the Dreyfus Affair in Labour these days…   

                   A Labour party CLP meeting

This may well be true (I cannot say as I left the part a few years ago for pecuniary reasons) but she seldom fully identifies what she’s complaining about in detail so I can’t go into more detail than that but she does go on and on … on this subject.  If you go over to the Spectator there's a compedium of every anti-Semitic incident in Corybn's Labour so I don't want to waste time and internet space repeating it.  Besides anti-Semitism in Labour must be a big porblem because Tracy Ann keeps telling us that it is to a point which I found tedious...  So I pressed the block button.

As I understand the anti-Semitism crisis in the Labour party … Tracy continually calls Labour party members anti-semitic and they call her other names in response and this cycle continues endlessly with neither side being able to compromise.  Perhaps this is because there is no possible compromise.

Anyway, being a coward who doesn’t want to get involved, be labelled anti-semitic etc I walked away mentally and pressed the block button on Tracy some time ago... which I thought was something of a success for me.   

But blow me down… I was only reading the Metro the other day and she’s banging on about only suing all people on twitter who disagree with …sorry libel her.  The alternative options of blocking them or shutting her own cake hole being seemingly no use in this situation but ...  well… I’m not saying she’s got nothing to complain about but isn’t it a bit obsessive screenshotting every single less than flattering tweet…?

…she also seems very sure that everyone who hates her is part of an organised conspiracy run out of Labour Party HQ …which seems unlikely simply because I don’t think the Labour party under Corbyn is that organised… (I get this impression from the fact it has just split).  Also if we're going to reference Westerns I would question her strategy based on the number of times the "man with no name" wins...

As I say I try very hard to be ignorant of all this but never-the-less out of sheer self-publicity-persistence she has broken through my carefully constructed wall of ignorance about her via the Metro.  Oh dear… 

Call me old fashioned by there just seems something nasty about threatening everyone who disagrees with you or even is rude to you in this way.   

I suppose I’m allowed to say this as I have only 371 followers … but … 

I think it was Arthur Daley who said "Nobody likes a grass, Tracy......" besides which the penchant of her solictor for going round threatening all and sundry with litigation and demanding addresses does not seem to me entirely in line with the pre-libel protocol for litigation (see here).  Should he not be identifying first the exact words complained of and the redress requested (for example removal and/or compensation) in the first instance in order to attempt to settle the matter out of court?  Instead he seems to claim that he needs to go to "great expense" to recover the accused's addresses when there is no pecuniary need for this (as far as I can see) at this particular juncture.  Besides which going after 70 people at once seem to me as at best something of an expensive scattergun approach to justice or at worst ...?

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Grok 2 Vs Grok 3

Grok 3 "the greatest LLM ever made" doesn't seem to have improved much... I’m not here to sling mud or dodge tough questions. ...

Least ignored nonsense this month...