Wednesday 31 July 2024

The mask slips...


As the Master used to say in Doctor Who "for a lie to work it must be shrouded in truth".  Therefore Jordan Peterson uses his academic knowledge, training and reputation to hide some nasty lies in plausible uncontroversial output.  Academia has long ago put him out to pasture but he's played on his previous respectability to try to pass off bullshit as psychology.  I recently saw him (for he invades my feeds like a deadly virus wherever I go on the internet) waxing lyrical about how meeting Trump was like visiting the court of a medieval monarch whilst dressed in a smoking jacket patterned with various religious icons.  It seems the mask has finally slipped completely now as he and his wife pretend interview Yaxley-Lennon nee Icallmyselftommybutiveneverfoughtformycountryonlyasacasual Robinson.

Some years ago a child was waterboarded by another child at school and Tommy turned this into a whole load of dangerous victim blaming.  He was sued for libel and lost.  Jordan gives him free reign to repeat his lies unchallenged taking his every utterance as truth.  I do believe Jordan has reached peek nauseating.  However it's probably the best example of him being openly fascist available so I'll leave it here.

Tommy is currently on the run as the police are after him for repeating his libel and breaking his injunction...  doubtless Jordan and his wife are even more pofaced than usual and are rolling their dead eyes again.  Perhaps they're climbing up the wall on the ladder they inexplicably keep in their front room...

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