Saturday, 17 November 2018

Congratulations to Cotton Traders for the most stupid freebie ever – a watch that does not work?

A man with one watch knows the time.  A man with two watches knows the one on the right isn’t right.  So congratulations then to Cotton Traders for the most stupid freebie ever – a watch that does not work. 

Now to be fair it is a lovely looking watch.  A large face.  Roman numerals.  A second dial in the centre which performs no discernable function whatsoever … but it rather falls down on the primary function of a timepiece …telling the time.  So worse that being useless it is actually a liability as it could make someone late for something.  Fortunately as it had come straight from Arthur Daley’s lock up in a broken box (I’m not saying it fell off the back of a lorry but I suspect it had a bumpy journey) I took the precaution of synchronising it with a timepiece that did work before I put it on.  Otherwise I might have been late for something important................ 

Unlike my grandmother I am not a collector of badly functioning timepieces so do not know what to do with it.  However, I feel in some way it is quite an achievement for anyone to manufacture a watch (presumably) regulated by a quartz crystal (well, it doesn't wind up?) that is ten times less accurate than a mechanical timepiece?  Could it be as simple as it has been in the back of a warehouse so long the battery has gone flat?  I could take it to Timpsons to find out but this would take time out of my day and it might be a speculative investment that does not pay off. 

I can’t return it for a refund because I never paid for it?

So what does one do with it?

I suppose I will have to give it as a present to someone I don’t like or have no respect for … which is presumably how it came into Cotton Trades possession in the first place… and then in to mine.   Or perhaps I could give it to a church jumble sale which is where my granny used to get most of her interesting but not-properly-functioning timepieces from.  I often wonder if, when her time came, they returned there…

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Grok 2 Vs Grok 3

Grok 3 "the greatest LLM ever made" doesn't seem to have improved much... I’m not here to sling mud or dodge tough questions. ...

Least ignored nonsense this month...