Saturday 27 July 2019

Guest post about Brexit by Sarah Jones MP

Dear Anthony Miller,

Thanks for getting in touch with me recently about Brexit. I appreciate you sharing your views with me and I can assure you that I will keep them in mind.

There are strongly held views on all sides of the Brexit debate, but I believe that we are all united in an ambition to see our great country thrive. Some people may not agree with the ways I have voted in recent months, but I am grateful that the vast majority of people have expressed their views in good faith.

For over three years now, the Conservatives have failed to deliver a Brexit deal that had support, and the uncertainty is causing real damage: dragging down the economy and putting jobs at risk. Labour respected the result of the referendum and put forward an alternative Brexit plan to protect jobs, rights and growth, but the Conservatives have refused to compromise.

As I said on the BBC recently, it is my personal view that Labour is moving towards campaigning to remain and reform position. Jeremy Corbyn recently announced a shift in Labour’s position towards this – we believe that our new Prime Minister should have the confidence to put their deal, or no-deal, back to the people in a public vote. In those circumstances, Labour would campaign for Remain against either no-deal or a Tory deal that does not protect the economy and jobs.

I will not vote to make my constituents poorer, and I don’t think many people could. It is right to put Brexit back to the people with the option to remain and reform. The realities of Brexit are now understood and the damage to our economy and standing in the world is clear. But that doesn’t mean we can ignore the reasons people voted to leave in the first place. We must continue to push for a fairer economy and increase investment in all parts of the country.

In the past few days, Boris Johnson became Prime Minister and he seems set to lead us towards a disastrous no-deal cliff edge that will damage jobs, living standards and communities across the country – I will oppose this and support a public vote to give people the final say.

As Shadow Housing Minister and Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Knife Crime, I see huge societal problems that are being entirely ignored by Government.  Regardless of Brexit, this government has failed to tackle the burning injustices that Theresa May talked about when she became Prime Minister. Meanwhile, Boris Johnson was elected Prime Minister by less than 0.2% of the population. That is why Labour is committed to a general election so the public can decide – across a range of issues – who they want to be in Downing Street.

Thanks again for contacting me about this and for sharing your views.

Best wishes,

Sarah Jones MP
Member of Parliament for Croydon Central
Shadow Housing Minister

tw: @LabourSJ

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