There’s only one thing worse than Brexit on TV at the moment
and that’s Shamima Begum. ISIS having been defeated Shamima now wants to come back
home so her daughter can get NHS treatment. Her previous two offspring having died of being
born into a war zone Shamima now wants our sympathy. A one woman hot button issue she pervades my
TV night and day with her untidy mouth and grating accent...
For journalists seem to love filming her – in the same way that rubberneckers like looking at car crashes. Please give it a rest! The woman is just so tedious. Blessed with all the charm of a bag of drawing pins she says things like “it wasn’t her intention to be a poster girl” as if anyone would put her on a poster. Most of her other comments aren’t even cogent enough to relate or analyse yet they are poured into my home as if they mean something.
Watching journalists feed her self-incriminating leading questions
is like watching a child lift up a stone to see if there are any creepy
crawlies underneath to play with. Not
that she needs much prompting to show her support for the Islamic State of Iraq
and the Levant has not diminished. But she tries to look and sound not a fanatic
… and fails over and over…
Then again she clearly struggles to put her thoughts into
anything vaguely resembling coherent (let alone cogent) sentences and comes out
with muddled thinking that we’re all supposed to analyse seriously.
The bleeding heart lefties say that she was groomed and can’t be
held accountable for her actions (despite the age of criminal responsibility
being 12 last time I looked) and the right have nothing but scorn and
vitriol. “All twelve year olds are
stupid politically,” say people who have grown up to be stupid politically.
Maybe I was a bit of a stick in the mud or maybe it was just a lack of
opportunity but I don’t remember committing treason when I was 12. The right can’t wait to cast the first stone…
But really I think her problem is that she was just a bit
thick. She seems to think Syria under ISIS
was just like “anywhere else” but with a “few bombs”. The fact that she has 2 dead children by the
age of 20 is not something she can connect with ISIS
its self… Save us. You can see why she was so easily recruited
to ISIS whenever she talks … there’s little
between the ears. Well, there doesn’t
seem to be much… either that or she hides her intelligence well or… who cares… leave her there - it's Darwinism at work...
Why did these girls join ISIS? Well, let’s just say we can see the appeal of
a cult that says women should not be educated to women who don’t want to be… Honestly it makes you appreciate William Joyce ...
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