Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Nothing new- the Tom Tom Go 520

Some few years back Tom Tom cynically decided that a load of their old sat navs were now obsolete for no good reason when they worked perfectly …perhaps too perfectly.  However, they were adamant that because of problems with memory (they couldn’t remember the “lifetime” promises they made to me when they sold the product to me) …they would no longer make maps for them. 

Never-the-less they very kindly offered to sell me a new one “at a reduced rate” but unwilling to be consigned to municipal recycling facility my Satnav still struggled on bravely with maps that were several years out of date – confidently advising me to circumnavigate the Elephant and Castle roundabout in the wrong direction.  This was slightly annoying but my Tom Tom GO 520 and I came to an understanding.  At least until the other day … when it started to struggle locking onto satellites at all and decided it no longer understood anything.

Forced to purchase another I pootled over to Halfords website to see what they had on offer and what did I see but a Sat Nav with exactly the same name as my own which supposedly I am trying to replace...?  Are there two Tom Tom Go 520’s …?  If it really is a new product why not give it a new name? 

Perhaps because it’s nothing new… except new expenditure.

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Grok 2 Vs Grok 3

Grok 3 "the greatest LLM ever made" doesn't seem to have improved much... I’m not here to sling mud or dodge tough questions. ...

Least ignored nonsense this month...