Tuesday 11 December 2018

I remember when we were the best at divide and conquor...

One of the things people often say about British people as a snide comment is that we’re “very good at divide and conquer”.  A dig at the old days of the Empire.  Well, looking at Parliament today locked in its endless squabbles over Brexit one has to say the current batch of elected potenates are no Philip II of Macedon.  The cat that is the true costs and complexity of Brexit having escaped the bag Boris and Co concealed it in before the Referendum those at the top are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea every way they don’t jump.  Ms May flits about Europe negotiating with every country independently because we’re in too big a sulk to have anything to do with the European Parliament and then says only she has the magical power of forceful negotiation.  Corbyn and Co say that only they have the magic answer.  The Unionists are in a terrible rage that they’ve been sold down the river.  Without getting in to the mechanics of the backstop it was surely obvious to the meanest intelligence that if Europe and the UK separated politically then that would have serious implications for the Good Friday Agreement.  The SNP just say endlessly that they want to leave us for the EU.  And I’m sure the Liberal Democrats would be doing something stupid too if there were enough for anyone to listen to them.  Faced with the gravest political crisis in decades the complete inability of any of the main or even minor parties to work together on a solution is truly depressing.  Everyone is simply out to make as much cheap short term capital as possible.  Threatening general elections, leadership elections, 2nd referendums (and possibly 3rd or 4th) … Brexit rolls on endlessly to the cliff edge of dropping out on WTO rules with the unstoppable momentum that can only come from a plebiscite cutting the brakes.  The pound has already thrown its self over the edge of the cliff like a Lemming.  And finally Ms May has pulled the vote she knows she would’ve lost.  Well, Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas and this Christmas no one wanted to vote for the “deal” that was a Turkey.  How the EU officials must laugh and laugh and laugh at the childish Brexit blame game.  What these politicians don't realise is if they mess this up history will never forgive them.  Not that that matters if you have no shame.

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