Tuesday, 21 January 2025


Not since Pontius Pilate pardoned Barabbas has the pardon power been used so corruptly as Donald Trump pardoning the January 6th rioters.  Donald promised he would be a Dictator on day one and he seems to be living up to his word... freeing his "Proud Boys" and associated scum to act as his Blackshirts again... this time secure in the knowledge that if they get convicted of a crime trying to keep the Orange Fascist in power he will just pardon them.  With such abuses of the judicial system it is only a few steps more to government by decree.  All the spectacle of the inauguration ... its words, prayers and meaning are made a mockery of by an anointment of career criminal Donald J. Trump... who promises that every day will be "America First" - literally the slogan of the 1940s Nazi appeasement movement. 

Meanwhile Elon waves his arm in what he says is not a Nazi salute.  A statement that would be easier to credit if he didn't picture himself in Roman centurion attire under the First Reich motto SPQR...

Meanwhile collaborator Piers Morgan assures us that it isn't all bad because El Donald has put Winston Churchill's bust back in the Oval Office... as Donald plans his new walls, his new wars with Canada and Greenland, his new trade wars, his new death penalties, his new vendettas...

But fear not because, to paraphrase Leslie Howard,

...Donald will never rule the world as he wants... because he is doomed. All of who have demoralized and corrupted a nation are doomed. Tonight they will take the first step along a dark road from which there is no turning back. And they will have to go on and on, from one madness to another, leaving behind them a wilderness of misery and hatred. And still, they will have to go on... because they they will find no horizon... and see no dawn... until at last they are lost and destroyed. They are doomed, doomed I tell ye, doomed!

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Today's Not Spending Money Man

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