Thursday, 23 January 2025

Allow him a degree...

So I pottered over to blue sky and this is how it went...

This meme came into my timeline so I simply noted that...

...because, well he does.  

There was much wailing, gnashing of teeth and blocking...  

It's funny how it is an article of faith in parts of the left that if you don't like / disagree with / disapprove of ...someone ...then it must be because they "are stupid".  

Well, Trump's a very dangerous criminal and (according to at least one Civil Court Judgement) a rapist ... but one thing he is not is stupid and uneducated.  He had a great education.  He just chooses to be a bad actor and that reality is too much for some people to handle.  

At heart there is an educational snobbery on parts of the left about their enemies which is probably due to many in the left being in education.  If only everyone was more educated they'd make more rational decisions is their article of faith...  but it is not so.

Indeed, when I questioned it some people said I was making myself look stupid because I hadn't researched the truth... After all, if Donald is stupid all his supporters and defenders must be stupid - so abuse them by calling them stupid... that'll win you support...

...can't tell you who abused me, of course. because... they've all blocked me but clearly Socratic debate was something that just happened to other people for these educated folk who think even expecting them to provide the evidence to back up their statements is stupid.  

One man managed to drag up Trump's sister's claim in "Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man" that Donald paid someone else to take a SAT test for him - the results of which are used to award University places...

However, even if Donald had cheated in this way (and a University investigation concluded there was no evidence to support this statement because it was too long ago) it doesn't invalidate the fact that Donald had to study for several years - first at the Fordham University before transferring to the University of Pennsylvania to qualify for his BSC in Economics.  He's an adjudicated rapist, a convicted felon and twice impeached but that's not enough for you ...? He's got to be stupid?  Well, he isn't and that's how he runs rings round you...

Even if he had played the system in some instances, it surely would have been impossible for him to hire impersonators for the entire four year time he was at University, he did not purchase his degree.  

Someone asked me why I'm standing up for Trump.  Well, because the truth matters.  And this meme is obviously not true.  It's not about Trump, it's about someone clearly lying to me and thereby insulting me.  But you can't tell 'em.  They mostly blocked me.  

It's not like it's an outlandish statement that Trump isn't stupid.  He's probably not the biglyest intellect by a lot but then I don't think I'm in a position to throw rocks at someone for a poor academic record having only scraped into University myself and then having spent 3 years there largely mistaking it for a giant party on the State.  I had a fantastic time!

But "You're MAGA!" they scream.  

I'm not even living in America but I can at least see from the above why parts of the Democratic movement might be a complete turn off for us thickos...  for the implication of the meme is that all Donald's supporters are thickos too.  

But they're not.  

The BBC's Panorama program spent some time with Donald's supporters in the run up to the election.  In particularly the regular and committed contingent who sat at the front of all his rallies crisscrossing the country to do so to the point that Donald got to know them by name - they became christened the "Front Row Joes".  One of them (a lady Joe? or lady Jo?) remarked something along the lines of "You won't win.  We'll outvote you."  

Well, they did.

Yes, he's a fascist.

No, he's not stupid.

You are stupid.

Allow him a degree.

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