Thursday, 13 June 2024



Apparently Mr Toad ran a 4 minute Party Political Broadcast that was just this title card and no sound. No policies, no detail, no plan beyond blatant fear mongering it seems somehow extremely apt.  In the end all far right parties feed on fear but this is particularly naked and blatant.  Funny I thought the whole point of the Brexit that Mr Toad sold us was that it was going to fix everything but here he is again with... Well, at least Brexit was a policy ... Now UKIP/Reform/Whatever seems to have nothing to offer but an existential void.

Still, I suppose we were saved more of Mr Toad's lies.  At the moment he's trying to insist that we are the odd man out in Europe (the one we Brexited from to be different) in having a Universal Healthcare system instead of an insurance based system.  However, France effectively in practice turned their insurance system into a Universal Healthcare system in the 2000s under Lionel Jospin.  The direction of travel is actually away from insurance based systems but Mr Toad carries on unencumbered by reality ... until, of course, someone throws a physical missile at him.

In other news I accidentally suffered Britain's Most Spiteful Headmistress wheeled out on Newsnight to attack Labour's policy of free un-means-tested breakfasts in schools...

Margaret Thatcher milk snatcher

Katharine Birbalsingh breakfast segregating

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Dear The Independent, I apologise for any inconvenience caused but due to the fact you didn't even challenge my PayPal case because you ...

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