Friday, 14 June 2024

Private Likes on X

Twitter continues it's decent into becoming the poor man's Onlyfans with a new policy of keeping likes private between the liker & the liked.  That a tweet has been liked by someone remains visible to all... So what is the purpose of this?  It bewildered me.  With likes private how will, for example, the National Executive Committee know who to throw out the Labour Party for having a verboten opinion?

The answer is it is part of X-man's attempt to turn twitter into a more X rated platform.  Every day my comments are liked by dumb prossie bots - I refuse to call them sex workers because I doubt that any of them are actual real people.  It's annoying because if you test a joke on there and people like it you then have to curate those likes to check which are from cyberwhores.  The fact of being visibly publicly solicited by autoslappers in this way is clearly embarrassing for anyone in a relationship so Musk has made it private to conceal that it's seedy and inappropriate.  Well, I suppose it shows him to have a slither of emotional intelligence.  The kind Arthur Daley once showed when he told the Receptionist at a massage parlour he co-owned to make the service they offered sound "less like Transportation from Newgate Assizes".

Call me Mary Whitehouse but this and the never ending splurge of robomuffpedlars is not an accident, it's all part of X's plan to hoist more porn on everyone.  The Ts and Cs have been officially updated to allow cyber ladybots of the night...

"Sexual expression, whether visual or written, can be a legitimate form of artistic expression," the platform's policy states. "We believe in the autonomy of adults to engage with and create content that reflects their own beliefs, desires, and experiences, including those related to sexuality."

Apparently the platform will still prohibit pornographic content that is exploitative, nonconsensual or promotes objectification, obscene behaviors or the sexualization or harm to minors.  

A deceased school friend of mine in the 80s had a PC that connected to the pre-internet ... All he seemed to manage to download was some black and white still images of porn.  Perhaps this is the internet returning to it's roots...

Is there such a thing as non-objectifying porn ... That sounds like you're just doing it wrong?

Musk craves respectability but scratch beneath the veneer and he's just a pimp.

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I apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Dear The Independent, I apologise for any inconvenience caused but due to the fact you didn't even challenge my PayPal case because you ...

Least ignored nonsense this month...