Saturday 22 May 2021

Be careful of men who look like Rex Harrison...


The trouble with conspiracy theories is they’re never as imaginative and bizarre as one feels they should be but … the other day I was wandering over Wikipedia when I came across a bizarre story about the CIA. 

Apparently when they made full head disguises for their agents rather than sculpt heads from scratch they rang up some Hollywood studios in search of existing aluminium moulds of heads that they could create new latex moulds from and made everyone look like old Hollywood actors.

Ex-CIA chief of disguise (or at least that’s what she says she is/was) Jonna Mendez told Wired magazine last year (see here) that masks are additive with the drawback that they can’t be animated.  So it’s important that a mask should match the “donor” as closely as possible.  

It turned out then that actor Rex Harrison was the most donor friendly aluminium mould to make heads from and therefore all large headed CIA men in masks on missions now look like various different permutations of the late Rex Harrison.

In case this story sounds a tough buy here’s a couple of links to photos on Jonna’s website …  

(If they don't work try copying into your browser directly rather than redirecting)

This is her in a mask explaining masks and their benefits to President George HW Bush…

 …and here’s a blurry picture of her with her mask removed (as befits a conspiracy theory website) … 

As to what this tells us about the bigger picture of human nature etc I cannot tell but, well, it’s on Wikipedia so it must be true…

Her website is here




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