Monday 26 April 2021

London Mayoral Election 2021 - Is this the best democracy can do?

Sadiq Khan , Labour - who introducted the £15 7-day-a-week congestion charge till 10pm and now can magically undo it now he's being elected

Shaun Bailey, Tory - a dangerous nut job who wants to force companies to drug test their employees and make test league tables of illegal drug use.
Well, if there are too many people to prosecute a Superleague of Cocaine users is going to be as logical as the new Football Superleague...

They've really pushed the boat out to find someone scarey

Siân Berry - Greens who wants to gold plate the green belt - if you gold plate green you probably get a colour like urine?
She at least does have some sensible policies like road pricing instead of the Congestion Charge and LTNs...

Luisa Porritt - Lib Dem who at least isn't going on about proportional representation because this is a PR election

Mandu Reid - the Women's Equality Party candidate who is so modest she doesn't put her own name on her poster

Laurence Fox - right wing nut job who worries about police dancing with protesters

Count Binface - Jon Harvey with a bin on his head

Piers Corbyn - a gestalt creature created by splicing the DNA of Piers Morgan and Jeremy Corbyn

Valerie Brown - standing on the very sensible policy of abolishing the Mayor of London.  
XR candidate so wants a citizens' assemblies (there is one it's called the London Assembly why not stand for that?)
Will probably be in prison by the time she's elected

Kam Balayev - Campaigning for Universal Basic Income despite the fact this is completely outside the Mayor's responsibilities

Max Fosh - Youtuber

Richard Hewison, Rejoin EU - shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted party

Vanessa Hudson, animal party candiate wants "vertical farms"

Steve Kelleher, SDP - this seems to be the new hangout for Brexiteers ...
Shirley Williams is turning in her grave even before she has been laid to rest...

David Kurten - right wing idiot who wants to get rid of "buffer zones outside abortion clinics"

Farah London - a real person or a pun?

Niko Omilana - Yet another youtuber

Nims Obunge - some religious bloke against knife crime

Brian Rose - podcaster who doesn't believe in Covid

I must just put a stamp on the envelope...


The worst of it is the Mayor has no power anyway to implent virtually any of these completely mad plans...

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