Tuesday 1 September 2020

Old Git


Something new. You will possibly have realised that my interest in the Management Company's affairs goes beyond what you might expect. Quite apart from anything else, Octogenarians have their own way of doing things which sometimes/often clash with the younger generation. Inevitably
misunderstandings occur. The younger generation are in the main better educated and brought up without fear of the kind experienced by people
like myself, which means that the confidence underlying younger generations attitudes are based on a safe warm secure upbringing and
encouragement to achieve. My generation were brought up amidst chaos, deprivation and a very real threat of Nazi domination.

From my perspective therefore, you and your generation say what you like do what you like in a world driven by competitive dynamism. We on
the other hand make haste more slowly and use the confidence of our life's experiences to trust our own instincts. Some of us even prefer radio to tv!.

The point of this note is to share my thoughts with you on where I stand with the Management Company. I am both joint a freeholder and occupier therefore uppermost in my mind is careful management of my asset and efficient
management of the day to day running of the Estate and its finances. I am not inclined to take on any authority or management responsibility
because I've done my bit elsewhere (and still survived). I however see that I might be of some assistance by supporting you with observations
on matters which may otherwise escape your attention. The walls and the drain for example. Believe me there are many more areas which, once
resolved, should enable the Estate to be run with a lighter touch and be of benefit all round.

So there you have it. Cooperation or conflict - your choice.



I'm sorry but I don't think international military conflagrations of the 1940s have anything to do with the fact that you are a mean, greedy, spiteful old man who spends his retirement writing pompous emails and sending in baseless complaints that waste the time and money of the Managing Agent such as retrospectively questioning the expenditure on plans you yourself proposed to the nth degree.  Or insisting that repairs are not our responsibility in the teeth of advice to the contrary from specialist solicitors. 

The truth is you're just a bully who has the hump because we insisted to the Council you should actually do something about the relentless noise pollution from your equipment.  You're just a miser trying to make other people's lives a misery so you can make a bit more money.  Please find someone else to abuse.  

All of it is pointless anyway because when the Council threaten you with enforcement action you inevitably have to comply and pay to fix the problems you create.  

No, I'm not an expert in psychology but I don't think World War Two is the cause of your querulous nature.  I think you were just born mean.  I think you were a mean young man and you have now grown into a mean old man.  I think you will die mean too. In the mean time you will service your air extraction system on a regular basis or the Council will kick your fat old arse. 

Yours sincerely 

Anthony Miller 

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