Saturday 23 May 2020


I’ve been thinking recently about Donald Trump.  The thing about Donald Trump is he’s so hard to write about, talk about, analyse or criticise because he’s a vacuum.  A vacuum that sucks everything into its nothingness.  He is the black hole of politics.

One could point out how he underplayed the virus.  One could point out how he told us it is the World Health Organisation that was wrong about it.  Then blamed the WHO and cut its funding. 

One could point out that he said it wasn’t a problem and now says he always knew it was a problem.  One could put all Trumps quotes on a timeline as many people have tried to do …

One could point out Trump’s attempts to place himself over regional Governors and then his having to back down on this.

One could mention the silliness of the domestos incident…

Then there are his adverts for hydroxychloroquine …it’s “very good”.

Or the lunacy of his attempts to scapegoat China…

But everything seems pointless because... 

Well, Trump never takes any notice of his critics – just shouting at them “fake news” and attacking them personally.   Trump isn’t interested in the truth.   But most depressingly of all his acolytes are not interested in the truth either.  They’re not interested in facts or histories or anything beyond last week.  He is the epitome of the tribal politician. 

Therefore the many timelines people have invented are as smoke in the wind...

The worst thing about this is …it makes him impossible to satirise or write about.  He makes you feel – what’s the point in anything?  Once upon a time I had an idea that I might write a few political articles on this blog but Trump has sucked the life out of me. 

Yes, I understand why Americans may not have wanted to vote for Hilary Clinton last time … but Trump’s complete defiance of political gravity assures me that whatever happens – even be it that the virus causes the USA economy to tank entirely – the US population will vote for him again.  In Trump they trusted and now they are flustered.

I mean what do you do with or how can anybody ever combat Donald Trump?

His buffoonery is such that he places himself beyond caricature. 

There’s no point in analysis because his support base isn’t analytical. 

You can’t laugh with him because he’s no Ronald Regan in the wit stakes.

You can’t laugh at him because he’s not endearingly stupid like Bush. 

You can’t ignore him because he’s always on the telly. 

You can’t demonise him because he’s already demonic. 

The only positive you can say for this gestalt of all that is worst in human nature – childish, vindictive, scapegoating, bullying, narcissistic to a point beyond parody - is he’s so bad that he makes one feel better about one’s self… except that he doesn't because the way that Trump really operates is to steal the hope of anyone who might make a stand against him until no one can be bothered.

Except that he doesn’t because he’s so depressing. 

After all this article has only just scratched the surface of the nonsense he’s come out with this year.  I’m sure there are entire encyclopaedias yet to be written about what is wrong with the Trump administration… except by the time Trump’s finished no one will be reading at all… they “won’t need it anymore”.  Fake books.  


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