Sunday 24 May 2020

So how we doing now...?

As the Covid-19 lockdown moves gradually to a close I thought it might be worth a final look (for the moment) at how we're doing compared to other countries...

This is the chart of the number of confirmed cases that end in death - calculated by taking the total number of deaths and dividing it by the total number of confirmed cases.  That's a bit statistically wobbly but it's the best I can do...

...what the graphs are supposed to show is how good the local health services are at stopping you dying rather than how good the governments are at preventing the spread of infection ...or the total number of deaths.

As usual I've excluded countries with less than 20,000 cases...

Sorry about the blurry appearance of the graphs but if you click on them it will show you them unblurred - "improvements" to blogger mean you can no longer display at actual dpi ration...

I get that this makes us the 4th worst...

The grey line is an overly of population density ...I can't really find much correlation of that as an excuse but...

The taller the Red bar the worse your chances of survival once infected.

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