Wednesday 15 January 2020

Pope Benedict XVI emerges from the catacombs...

In 2013 the then Pope (Benedict XVI) Joseph Ratzinger resigned his post – usually a job for life and indeed death as previous Popes are often exhumed and placed posthumously on public display ....

...(see Pope John XXIII left who has just put his feet up for a moment to enjoy a wax face pack) to show how incorruptible they are – 

and told us all he couldn’t be Pope anymore because he wasn’t at all well.   

He was moved in to the Mater Ecclesiae monastery at the bottom of Pope Francis’s garden where he was relatively silent till the other day when he broke cover to tell us all married priests are wrong.

Fair enough but wasn’t it Pope (Benedict XVI) Joseph Ratzinger who relaxed the ban on married priests so that vicars of the Church of England could become turncoats and join the RCC if they discovered they disliked the idea of female clergy more than celibacy…?

Or was I half asleep that day?

No doubt there is some incredibly clever reason why this is simply a matter of practice not doctrine and there’s one rule for headhunted staff and another for new applicants … but please don’t write in if you can explain it …I really don’t want to know…

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