Thursday, 12 December 2019

It's not easy being an armchair warrior...

People think it's easy being an armchair Internet warrior but the costs are high.  I received this email a year ago yesterday (name & address withheld) from one of my more right wing correspondents and felt I should share it withe the rest of you in the interests of health & safety:

It is 20 years this months since I last went to work. In that time I have put in several tens of thousands of hours campaiging to leave
the EU, against speed cameras.

I had vowed to give up on politics after the referendum, whatever the result but the uncertainties that remain meant I didn't do so.  Unfortunately the many thousands of hours I have spent sitting on this settee using a laptop have taken a toll, and not just then increasingly common one of a stiff neck.

It now seems highly likely that the severe pains I have suffered for the past month or more, in my left side and lower back, are due primarily to trapped wind arising from hours of inactivity in the same position. I therefore have no alternative but to cut down drastically and spend more time on my feet, moving about and perhaps
feeling less stressed will help too.

I mention these problems not to seek sympathy but warn others of the damage they too might be doing to their health by spending too much time in these ways.

Acordingly I must ask all of my contacts not to send me any emails about politics or news in general. I have unsubscribed from
Conservative Home and will therefore not be circulating its newsletter.

My work on speed camera analysis, now almost complete, will continue for a few months, so emails and news on that one subject will still be welcomed.

All the best to those who have fought the good fight


.... I was wondering why my spam box hadn't been filling with more dubious misunderstandings of Newtonian Physics recently when I googled Idris Francis to find he died earlier this year aged 79.  Seems his bowel problem wasn't just wind after all...

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When you put up a poster to show the world your happy smiling employees...

 ...but they do not want their phizog on it or even the correct silhouette for their sex and one person doesn't exist at all...

Least ignored nonsense this month...