Saturday, 7 December 2019

Another leaflet today…

Another leaflet today… in this one Sarah Jones informs us sagely that it is a two horse race in Croydon and to underline that point only two horses are shown.   

In other election news I watched the Prime Ministerial debate... 

Surrounded by a set of interlocking hexagon shapes that looked as though it had escaped from the interior of Jodie Whittaker’s Tardis both candidates stood at podiums and were suitably Prime Ministerial as the specially selected plebs were allowed to ask their pre-prepared questions.  One really wants one of them to switch a question at the very last minute to throw the candidates and Nick Robinson but then unrealised dreams are like that…  Both Nick and the candidates had what appeared to be a huge button on their podium but no one pressed it so we'll never know what it did...

Boris enjoyed himself immensely by repeating his slogan “get Brexit done” repeatedly at random intervals while staring down the barrel of the camera like he was reading the autoqueue on Have I Got News For You.  Jeremy came over well as well calmly making remarks about how manufacturing industry were a bit worried about their last minute supply chains but he didn’t manage to make it sound very worrying.  Boris stuck to his main theme that Jeremy is both indecisive and a reckless fanatic and Jeremy stuck to his theme that Boris is both callous and a dishonest fanatic.  Probably the most interesting question was when someone asked what should happen to politicians who lie during election campaigns.  Boris gave a suitably colourful grandiose answer while Jeremy assured us that if politicians lied during an election campaign the democratic solution to that was another election.  No one mentioned Boris’s illegal suspension of Parliament or lying to the Queen.  I think it was Harold Wilson who said “a week is a long time in politics but last month in an eon.”

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I apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Dear The Independent, I apologise for any inconvenience caused but due to the fact you didn't even challenge my PayPal case because you ...

Least ignored nonsense this month...