Wednesday 10 April 2019

The Cat, the Sword and the Bin Men ...

One of my hobbies is googling Danny John-Jules …for whenever the press find out something about him – such as that he had an argument with a co-star on Strictly Come Dancing – they take great glee in reminding us he was given 120 hours’ community service and ordered to pay £350 costs after attacking two men for not emptying his recycling bin. 

This is true … but it is not the whole truth ... for it is also true that this conviction was turned over at appeal at Harrow Crown Court on March 5th 2009 for complicated reasons like the whole case was complete balderdash.  When Mr John-Jules said within earshot of the Daily Star that there might be some racist motivation to these events this was reported along the lines of “unlike his laidback character, John- Jules lost his cool and unleashed a bitter tirade about prejudice in the UK…”

Why would he think that the UK is a racist country …? perhaps because fast forwards 9 years to 2018 and the Sun publishes an article “Strictly star Danny John-Jules menaced two bin men with a samurai sword before punching and kicking them to the ground because they wouldn't empty his recycling”.  

Well, all I can say is that it’s good for them that the cat is too cool to sue.  Honestly why would anyone think England racist …?  Interesting that they use quotations from the court case – perhaps because they think that these quotes are protected under the defence of qualified privilege because they were made in court….  Then again perhaps I just over-estimate the intelligence of Sun hacks and the fact is that this is just lazy journalism at its finest and that they simply indulge in because they can get away with it…  

Jeremy Vine used to tell a story about a cat that was left a fortune and a house by its owner.  People from the press regularly visited the house to interview the neighbours and this continued for years and years and decades untill one day the neighbours wrote to him to ask how long it would take for the story to die.  He said never ... for the story had all the elements that touch people's imagination and as such it was a magnet to every lazy hack worldwide...  I guess it is the same with the story of the cat, the sword and the bin men... so I shall now return to my usual position of ignoring anything that might possibly require me to do something or be involved by saying...

That's all folks!

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