Wednesday 30 November 2022

And emails came there none...

Yesterday I rejoined the Labour Party.  I left some years ago for economic reasons but the other day I received an email from my Trade Union political organiser which pointed out that since I was a fully paid up union member of an already affiliated Trade Union I could apply for affiliate membership status for only a couple of £ more a month.  Thinking about it I thought I may as well do this as I am already paying the political levy anyway so I may as well get a vote out of it... I filled in the form and nothing happened.  Not even an email stating that "we are considering your application".  I wonder if they are reading my blog to check I haven't written anything "in the last two years that would have led to expulsion".  Or if I am on a naughty list.  I wonder if it's harder to join these days...

Anyway, it's only a couple of quid.  I'm sure I can invest it in something more sensible if they're too disorganised or picky to have me...

Still you'd think there'd be some kind of automated receipt email even if if just said "Get Lost"...

Postscript...after a bit of public moaning and emailing the union I seem to be a member again... 7/12/22


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