Wednesday 30 November 2022

Environmental Information Regulations 2004

As the trees get closer and closer to the windows each year I have felt that I had to ask the Council when they were going to cut them for fear of it all going Wuthering Heights.  I tried writing multiple times.  I tried my Councillor who was studiously ignored.  Eventually I tried FOI.  I'm sure it shouldn't be this hard to get a reply...

Dear Anthony

Request FOI/6387

Further to your request received on 04/11/2022, I confirm that the Council has now considered your request under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. Specifically, you have requested the following information;

"According to the Councils website

The Council has a 5 year cycle of pruning trees.  When were the trees on Council title deed SGL576493 last pruned and when does the Council plan to prune them again?"

The council currently has a pruning programme of 5 years in the south of the borough and 3 years in the north the purpose of the programme is to assess the trees condition in relation to health and safety and with regards subsidence risk, trees are then pruned with regards to need and resources it is therefore not necessary the case that all trees will be pruned as a result of the programme.

From our records the trees in Park Hill were last inspected in autumn of 2019 and will next be programmed for inspection in 2024. We will however inspect trees on an ad hoc bases if we receive an enquiry that results in the need to do so.

If you are dissatisfied with the way the Council has handled your request under the Freedom of Information Act, you may ask for an internal review. This should be submitted to us within 40 working days of this response.

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