Friday 12 June 2020


In other censorship news my xtranormal videos of the Iraq Inquiry transcripts that used to live here have suddenly dematerialised from Youtube.  These were animations of real interview transcripts on the Iraq Inquiry website - made because obviously not everyone involved was allowed to be seen in public for security reasons.

They probably tried to contact me but I don't use the email account I used to make them anymore so ...I've had to fill in a form to try and retrieve them as the originals don't exist anymore because Xtranormal went bust.

But even if they had contacted me ...isn't there a point where they've been up several years with no one complaining then can just leave them up?  I read through the strikedown mechanism notes and ...what?  You have to curate these things all the time ...every time someone puts in a spurious objection? 

I've got better things to do with my time than curate old youtube chanels because they've gone out of fashion?

Maybe there was another reason.  But I can't see it.  There was no libel - it's all inquiry transcripts covered by qualified privilege.  There's no copyright issues I can think of - it's all original animation.  And if anyone cares now ... why now?  Why not 5 years ago when it was a live issue?  It's really just primary source historical information...  Of course it could be that someone's taken them down because they were boring...

But how annoying ... anyway I've sent my form in ...

Please note since this blog was written Youtube have kindly restored my channel although why it was removed in the first place remains a mystery.

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