Thursday 14 May 2020

For some time I have been mildly curious and concerned about Boris’s furniture...

For some time I have been mildly curious and concerned about Boris’s furniture...

Call me old fashioned but in a national emergency I don’t really want to be addressed by somebody sat at a drop leaf table… or is it a sideboard…?  Whatever… it looks completely out of proportion to him and the rest of the room.

He looks like a child doing his homework at the sideboard because someone else is using the dinner table.  Also it’s very shiny so I’m constantly distracted by the reflections of his hands.  I also find my eyes drawn to the edges of the drop leaf. 

I’m sorry but this isn’t good enough… I don't our glorious leader to have a desk the size of that of Adenoid Hynkel in the GreatDictator ...but we could at least go for something like the Resolute Desk in the Oval office....

...  I’m not expecting the French President’s desk from the Salon room of the Élysée Palace...

...but this sideboard - and it may well be old and made from a nice polished oak - does look at though it has escaped from a clearance centre somewhere.  As a Nation … do we really want all our most important decisions made at a drop leaf sideboard? 

The Prime Minister’s desk should reflect the importance of the decisions made at it ...but all this drop leaf desk says as a statement of interior decor is … impotence.  It's as though he was playing bridge and thought ...oh dear the BBC are here best put the cards away...

Couldn’t they have used the cabinet table?  Or this…


…say what you like about wisdom Harold Wilson’s decision to devalue the pound but it was made at a really solid looking desk. 

A desk that says I’ve sat here and thought about it a lot… not … I’m doing my homework at a sideboard.  It's as though we and him have been shoved in the corner... for why is he not addressing the nation from the middle of the room ...not a doorway?

This also raises the question … why is Boris addressing us from a state room of some kind that he clearly doesn’t actually work in?  Perhaps he doesn’t want us to see his real desk because he doesn’t want us to know what he’s thinking?

There are no details.  For example … the Queen…

…usually sits side on to a table when addressing the nation in a kind of “I’ve paid a lot of money for this dress so I’m putting all the money on the screen” way.   And there are personal effects.  Family photos. 

Obviously this is more difficult for Boris because he had more than one family … but come on … they must be able to do better than this…?  The thing is... despite all the supposed intimacy of his bodylanguage ...his home furnishings don't really let us into his inner world at all...? but I should stop there before this turns into the incident where I gave promotional advice to Gerard Batten and accidentally caused a referendum…

...why am I giving Boris interior design tips?


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