Monday 13 April 2020

UK rises to 3rd place in the rate of death leagues...

Nearly 3 weeks into lockdown and nearly 0.3 per cent of Croydon confirmed as infected ...I've updated my graph of Death rates of Confirmed cases divided by number of confirmed cases to see how we're doing relative to other countries...

... again I've removed any countries with less than 20,000 cases as they don't have enough throughput of data yet to give an accurate picture.  As can be seen Britain is now in 3rd place in the death leagues - pretty much level pegging with Italy on 12 per cent.  France takes the morbid top place with a shocking 15 per cent rate.

Is this all the politicians fault?  Well you would expect that it's more difficult to control the spread of the pandemic in countries with higher population densities  ... but if I change the Y Axis of the above graph to population density I get this...

...showing very little correlation.  And in case you're wondering ... if we were to divide one graph by the other in a VERY CRUDE ATTEMPT to weight the Death Rate by Population Density one gets this graph...

...which suggests things are actually worst in Canada.  Which indeed they are...

Just heard a Policeman on the BBC News strolling through a park shouting at the pubic "It's a lockdown not a holiday!"

To which the correct reply is "Actually it's both, officer."

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