Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Secretive but Not On Her Majesty's Service

Yesterday I was home alone and had Victor Meldrew type adventures answering the phone to all the people who ring the landline when I am usually at work.

One was the man who threatens to have one arrested on behalf of HMRC for non payment of taxes.  I played along for a bit and gave him a false date of birth and National Secuirty number to see how far the thing would go.  Eventually he asked me to write down a string of reference numbers at which point I got bored and asked him how he lived with himself .... at which point he started shouting "motherfucker" a lot and slammed the phone down.  I would have recorded it but I believe Paul Chowdhry has beaten me to it ...

...and this man ... who apart form being a somewhat inept satirist seems to be talking to exactly the same person I was ....

I mean seriously the police really can't do anything about this....?  It makes them look like idiots that these scams continue unabated...

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Grok 2 Vs Grok 3

Grok 3 "the greatest LLM ever made" doesn't seem to have improved much... I’m not here to sling mud or dodge tough questions. ...

Least ignored nonsense this month...