Thursday, 16 May 2019

Can you believe what Tutankhamun looks like today?!

Can you believe what Tutankhamun looks like today?!

Like many I remember him as the world famous boy king who moved the capital of Egypt from Akhetaten back to the city of Thebes but shortly after that Tutankhamun seemed to completely vanish from public life with little or no explanation.  

It turns out that immediately after breaking his leg in a racing accident the then boy King quickly contracted malaria - an infection from which he never fully recovered.  Soon he stopped going out the house as much.  After his wounds healed badly he developed a club foot and was soon unable to walk without the aid of a stick.  Following these misfortunes the once gregarious King became extremely self concious about being seen in public and his health began a downward spiral. 

Cut to a few years later and soon Tutankhamun started suffering from full on agoraphobia and he now rarely leaves his apartment in the Valley of the Kings.  Friends also worry that he has become anorexic.  He hardly eats anything at all.  Sources say he is now remarkably gaunt looking and frequently bandaged.  His illnesses have had a devastating effect on all his relationships

King Tutankhamun and and his wife Ankhesenamun are now estranged- a fact Ankhesenamun declines to talk about despite considerable media interest.  It is believed the divorce settlement is one of the largest in legal history and may contain a gagging clause...

But whatever the truth of their relationship what is known is that it came under considerable strain after he fell from his chariot in a road accident and started to require full time home nursing. 

After being deposed as Pharaoh Tutankhamun made several attempts to revive his career as an all powerful potentate but he has never managed to recapture his glory days. 

It is sad for his friends to see that he is now reduced to touring and exhibiting his possessions and extensive jewellery collections in an attempt to raise the much needed revenue he requires to pay former Queen Ankhesenamun her considerable alimony.

Time will tell if King Tutankhamun can ever recover his fortunes and make it to the top table of unelected autocrats again… as fans ourselves we certainly hope he can and wish him all the best.

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