Thursday, 18 October 2018

The Sound Man and Great Dane

The other day sound man from the Council came to listen to the noise from the various freezers in the shop downstairs that invades the bedroom.  The low audible hum lasts from 5:30 in the morning to 8pm at night.  I did ask the owners what happens after 8pm at night and they said “a shutter comes down and holds all the cold air in”.  Well, it must be a damn good shutter.  A domestic freezer might hold the cold in for 12 hours with the door shut but that great big thing?

I’ve been complaining to the Council about the vibration for ages and after lobbying my MP have finally achieved having a youth from the Council come to stand around my bedroom in the early hours of the morning in different positions.  He asked me if the sound was annoying me.  I replied that I hadn’t asked him round for the pleasure of his society.  I can find more interesting things to do in my bedroom at 7am.  He listened in various places.  He had a meter but didn’t use it.  I felt as if he was going to ask me to talk about my feelings or something and became worried it might turn into a psychotherapy session.  Luckily his didn’t happen.

He said that he would write a report but I haven’t heard anything yet except the low pitch hum/groan that always seeps into my bedroom so the plebs can eat ice cream and avail themselves of frozen dinners.  It makes me think of all those science fiction films and TV programs where the spaceships always make background noises.  If I was Doctor Who I’d tell the Tardis to shut up with all that whinging.  And I’m sure Captain Kirk could done something about his pneumatic doors. 

I used to live on the Lower Addiscombe Road and could never open the window because a car would pass every sixty seconds.  Somehow this is worse.  Oddly when you open the window you don’t hear much at all so the vibration must be being carried in the brickwork.  How I don’t know.   

It’s one of life’s mysteries like the fact that Great Danes only live to about 8 – 56 in dog years – which just goes to show you how rubbish vets are.  If I was a Great Dane I’d think there was some kind of plot there.  Or take legal action.  If you back calculate that there have now been 6 Scooby Doos. For some reason Mystery Incorporated don't seem to think the death of all Scooby's relatives in late middle age worth investigating... if you ask me it's a bit suspicious.

Anyway … I suppose the connection with dogs dying and my sound problem is something to do with quality of life.  Is it okay to breed dogs that will have short lifespans?  Am I complaining about nothing with this sound?  No it reduces my quality of life.  When do decide that quality of life has deteriorated too much? and ... Not to the point where I need to be put down but to a small degree…

I wonder if I will ever hear back from the Council  …


See it's even annoying written down.

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