Thursday 2 June 2022

RIP then the Fixed Term Parliaments Act


As Boris's tenure seems to be running out of road I thought I'd think of one good thing he did.  And I came up with repealing Dodgy Dave's Fixed Term Parliament Act that caused the prorogation crisis of 2019.  As the UK government website explains (see here) it was an ultimately doomed exercise that resulted in a constitutional crisis as the Tories were hoist with their own petard and actually managed to create a situation where a minority of back bench MPs were running an alternative legislative programme to the elected minority government. 

Because democracy is 50% +1 ...not 66%+1...  This resulted in Boris lying to the Queen and the Queen's decision to prorogue parliament being overturned by the Supreme Court on Judicial Review.  Of course the Queen cannot be wrong - only misadvised under the bizarre concept of Wednesbury unreasonableness (see here).  A new review of Judicial Review has also been undertaken to stop this happening again (see here). 

In the mean time here is a boring post to celebrate the abolition of Nick and Dave's stitch up to cling onto power if they failed to form a majority government.  Still not to worry we have the Queen to save us from dictatorship and politicians over-reaching themselves... and when she's gone good King Charlie will stand Canute style before the incoming ocean of corruption ... etc etc  I know this news is a couple of months old but I've only got round to reading about it...

"Under the Fixed-term Parliaments Act, which has governed how UK Parliamentary elections are called since 2011, an election could only be triggered outside of the normal five-year Parliamentary cycle by one of two scenarios: if two-thirds of the House of Commons voted in favour of one, or if the Government lost a vote of no confidence and no alternative government was confirmed by the House of Commons within 14 days.  This law caused chaos and constitutional deadlock in 2019, and neither the 2015 Parliament nor the 2017 Parliament lasted their full term."

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