Sunday 10 January 2021



Once upon a time I had an idea that this blog might review political events but then I realised that watching politics for any length of time is so incredibly depressing I couldn’t force myself to do it.  The latest in a long line of predictable disappointments is Donald Trump’s farcical coup which if you haven’t seen it coming …Well, you must be in denial.  It seems however, that a lot of Republican Senators despite their workplace being stormed are still in pathetic denial.  Or perhaps they don’t want to admit their culpability in the whole situation.  Even as the “protestors” were banging on the doors of the Capitol building there were Republican Senators giving speeches behind them claiming falsely that the election had been somehow stolen?  What is wrong with these people …?  Do they really think that if the Secret Services hadn’t got them to safety they wouldn’t be hanging from lampposts or have their heads on spikes? 

Trump has been beating his drum for the mob from at least six months before the election if not a year threatening something like this, he’s been sacking people in the CIA and the military in order to reduce resistance to any armed insurrection.  10 former Defence Secretaries (that’s all of them living) wrote a letter saying Donald was trying a coup … "It was really our attempt to call out to the American people. We believe all of them are patriotic. They've been led down a path by President Trump, which is an unconstitutional path. And so we felt it was incumbent on us as having served in the Defence Department to say: Please all of you in the Defense Department, you've taken an oath to serve this country, this Constitution, not any given individual” - William Cohen.

Without direct military support the ragbag coalition of Qanon Conspiracy nuts, neo-Nazis and lost souls following In Dubious Battle who once they’d breached the defences had no greater strategy than to sit in Nancy Pelsoi’s chair and climb the building with grappling irons when they could have used the stairs were all Donald could muster.  According to one report he watched intently on television and moaned only that they were “low class”.  As soon as he realised his strategy had backfired – if you can call it a strategy – the President turned his overcoat on the plebs while still feeding them comforting fictions of “stolen” elections.

For years the right wing politicians and media have been feeding themselves a delusion that all this is a strategy and that the Presidents tweets are all part of a clever plan to manipulate the media but what you see with Trump is what you get.  A coward, a turncoat and a bully building up a rag tag band of Brownshirts for the intimidation of his opponents.  If Mike Pence had any self-respect he would invoke the 25th Amendment but despite the fact he has been publically scapegoated by Trump for his election defeat and probably would have ended up hanging from a lamppost were it not for the CIA he has to hide in his office because, well, he’s in too deep.

If you think this statement is over the top here's a Picky from that left wing conspiracy hub The Daily Mail... 

Still the Republicans are talking about stalling the impeachment process which will start on Monday till after the 20th.  Why?  Do they think that none of them will end up with their heads on spikes?  Fascism doesn’t work that way, baby…

Trump's defenders say things like - Well, he's kept the country out of wars... Well, yes, but so did American First the fascist sympathising isolationist movement of the 1940s and when I heard Trump saying "America First" this is who I think of.  This is a man whose father was arrested for resisting the police at a KKK rally in New York in the 20s...  When asked about the incident Trump's response was simply to deny it ever happened.  See ...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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