Sunday 17 May 2020

Thames Water explain why they're not responsible for compensating us for the poo in the garden...

I write further to my email of 13 March 2020.

I'd like to make you aware of ongoing works on our sewer system .... 

Further to my investigations, I've found the works to rectify the sewer collapse detailed in my email to you of 5 February 2020, are yet to be completed. This is because of delays in obtaining council approval to carry out further surveys of our sewer drains. Therefore, I'm unable to state categorically this defect caused the flooding to your property, contrary to what you may have been advised on the day of your plumbers attendance.

However, I've also found there are works in another road, where a blockage caused by rag, concrete and a collapse were found. Works are still ongoing to resolve all issues in the area. Due to the complex nature of the work, and time involved, I'm unable to tell you at this time if both events are related or which one definitely caused the flooding. 

The basis of your claim is for the re-imbursement of expenses for investigating and clearing the flooding while it was something we could've done at no expense to you. The cause of your claim, therefore, doesn't originate in the technicalities surrounding these waste events which may have directly caused damage to your property, resulting in your loss. Rather, your claim is for financial loss resulting in expenses incured while you carried out investigations privately. 

Our stance is based upon the fact we were not notified of the external flooding infront of your property, prior to your investigations. We were unable to conduct any investigations to establish if this was a private matter or not, or to determine the source of the flooding. These facts will remain unchanged regardless of the outcome of our ongoing investigations. 

Sadly, our decision to deny your claim again, remains unchanged. I trust this explains my position. In the absence of any new information, your case remains closed.

Apparently we didn't leave the human poo in the garden long enough before removing it.  Or waiting for them to muster up the enthusiasm to...

They couldn't even be bothered to offer us the tiny sum offered under the 

guaranteed standards scheme (GSS)

Payment equal to 50% of annual sewerage charges (Minimum payment of £75. Maximum of £500) ...Well, there are 12 flats affected ...does that entitle us to £6000 ?

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