Saturday 18 April 2020

H... H... H ...Hancock's half hour of COBR

Every day at 4 to 5pm we all huddle round the television to watch the latest COBR broadcast from Downing Street on the BBC about how long this is all going on for.  Matt Hancock keeps our spirits up during our endless Sunday Afternoons At Home... by promising that it will all end soon.

The COBR Press conference 
with the lad himself Matt Hancock (left)
and the PM's spokesman James Slack (right)

There's a lot of talk and slides but only one statistic that really matters - the number of new infections a day.  All other statistics are primarily driven by this number.  We are now told this curve is flattening out at last...  Maybe so... but how long now before we should see a drop?

Well, Germany went into lockdown before us and has just started to come out.  So how are we doing compared to them...?  I compared the stats...

They'd seem to suggest that we are at the top of the peek and the numbers should be coming down any day now.  If we shift the starting point of the X axis ... the picture becomes a tiny bit clearer...

...but not by much...

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