Friday, 20 March 2020


There are 68 confirmed cases in Croydon, out of a local population of 385,346.
It was 46 earlier today.  

As more people test the stats go higher and higher…

Went to the supermarkets today.  All the tinned food has now gone and most of the frozen but Sainsburys were doing their best to restack.  Booze is starting to run short too… at least the beer.  

I think the panic buying is a good example of recursion.  The more people imagine there to be food shortages the more they panic buy and the more the government tells them not to panic buy the more they imagine there must be food shortages.  This reinforces the panic buying mentality until everyone's shopping list is a Fibonacci sequence...

People keep sending me links telling me to buy/enjoy their content online as all public places have been closed.  Which reminds to me I should probably plug my books since you’re all sat indoors with nothing else to do…

Boris was on TV again today promising to spend his way out, offering 80 of the wages of the affected and offering a bigger safety net for the unemployed.  Maybe we should have deadly viruses more often.  I believe that after the Black Death everyone got a lot richer because when the world population dropped from 475 million to 350–375 million that meant there were less people to do the work … I wonder if any of those eco-puritans who don’t have children because it will destroy the planet feel at silly when a large chuck of population unexpectedly…

Talking of which top marks to the man who walked behind a BBC journalist dressed as a plague doctor (see the Mirror here for clip)

On the plus side Petrol is down to 114p...

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Grok 2 Vs Grok 3

Grok 3 "the greatest LLM ever made" doesn't seem to have improved much... I’m not here to sling mud or dodge tough questions. ...

Least ignored nonsense this month...