Thursday, 19 December 2019

A Thank You to the Readers....

One of the oddities of having a blog like this is that one never knows who the readers are.  The analytics assure me though that there are readers so one supposes they do exist.  Much of this website's traffic appears to be directed from pornographic websites and there's also been a large number of hits from the population of the Ukraine in recent days.  I wonder why.  Is it something to do with Donald Trump?  Who knows?  But I thought perhaps I should take time out to thank everyone for taking time out from watching porn or participating in making porn to read this website.  It just goes to show there's an audience out there for everyone....

In other news the Independent Group for Change has closed down as all the candidates lost their deposits.  Pathetic.  Doctor David Owen never let a little thing like not having any seats lead to the end of the SDP.  There's a reason you're going nowhere...

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I apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Dear The Independent, I apologise for any inconvenience caused but due to the fact you didn't even challenge my PayPal case because you ...

Least ignored nonsense this month...