Monday, 11 November 2019

It's started...

So it starts officially.  My first election leaflet for 2019.  This one from Sarah Jones defending her majority of 5642.  Red scarf.  Cloth cap.  No one can accuse Labour these days of not looking Labour.  A solitary christmas borble attempts to cheer us up into turning out at the polls yet again... is tempted to say one only turns out every 5 years and it's up to the politicans to fit into my schedule... except that one knows that the right wing never have a probem getting their vote out.  So I suppose I'll have to force myself.  Sarah promises to stand up for Croydon, campaign for safer streets and fight against cuts and a hard Brexit...


...on the back is the usual depressing it's a two horse race message familar to all those living in marginal constituencies.  Fortunately the Lib Dems hardly poll anything here so vote splitting isn't a problem but it is always somehow depressing to be told that really it's just a binary choice.   Funny I'd usually have a deluge of paper nonsense by now but I guess they've all run out of money with 3 elections in 5 years... or perhaps it all goes on social media advertising these days.

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