Thursday 25 July 2024

J D Vance revives Mussolini's Battle for Births

Footage has recently emerged of repugnant turncoat and Trump wouldbe VP & sycophant J D Vance purporting that "cat ladies" and people without children should not have their votes taken with the same degree of importance as those who have children because they don't have as big a stake in the future of society.  I expect like Il Duce's Battle for Births this policy will turn out a dismal failure.  Despite heavy propaganda and handing out medals Benito failed miserably to get his people to pop more out and spent a lot of the war whining that he'd have had a better chance of winning if there'd been more cannon fodder birthed.  Being a repugnant bully Vance even named individuals he didn't think had produced enough mini mes despite some of them suffering reproductive medical issues.

I often hear bilge along the same lines but it's usually more snide than this open fascist rhetoric but maybe we can compromise.  For example Tories saying that they shouldn't have to pay VAT on private education because they pay through general taxation for state school education they don't use.  But then I don't have any children so I also pay for state school places I don't use so ... Maybe we can do a trade.  I'll hand back some of my polity in return for a tax rebate on the education taxes I pay for everyone else's anklebiters and give the money instead to Battersea Dogs & Cats home.  There will be a lot of happy cats (and dogs).

As if having children makes you wise ... I saw the other day Elon Musk stating that he was estranged from his trans offspring because they'd been made trans by the "woke mind virus".  No, Elon, you had 12 children because you had to use IVF so your wives had multiple births.  The number of trans people in the population is 2%.  1/12 is 8% ... Therefore you had a 25% chance of at least one of your sprogs being trans.  If you don't like that there's a simple answer - stop putting buns in the oven...

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