Monday, 30 November 2020

Can't pay ...we'll take your public services away...


I suppose I ought to mention that I have noticed that Croydon Council is Bankrupt and has issued a 114 notice but this is covered in the kind of forensic detail I cannot compete with over at Inside Croydon.  Strapped for cash the Council put all its money into a property company called Brick by Brick which it owns all the shares in for which it paid £100.  The company then applied for loans off the government which it became unable to pay back and is now a black hole of debt although my analysis shows that the initial £100 in cash is still with the company and therefore only £102,298,086 in liabilities needs to be found.  Some of this should be available from flogging off the many dodgy property investments such as purchasing the already bust Croydon Park Hotel and the ailing Colonnades shopping “Centre” on Purley Way.  Like a latter day USSR the Council under Leader Tony “Soprano” Newman went on a bizarre spending spree nationalising already failing businesses in an attempt to turn back the tide of capitalism King Canute style.  I’m not saying Tony doesn’t like scrutiny but he banned me from viewing his twitter account some time ago despite me having never spoken to him…

So Tony was forced to resign and the Council is now lead by Hamida Ali who has been rapidly promoted from Cabinet Member for Safer Croydon and Communities to Can Carrier in Chief.  Although the Council has “Cabinet Government” (thanks, Tony Blair) it can’t resign and force an election with the result that there’s nothing to do but play a macabre game of musical chairs while the men from the Ministry pop round to tell us that we can’t pay so they must take our public services away…

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