Wednesday 14 August 2019

Yet another failed career...

This week I have been mainly exploring the much vaunted opportunities on the internet for making money from nothing (or your opinions which in my case are the same thing).  First I visited the 20 Cogs website which claims that if you fill in 20 3rd party forms online it will give you several hundred pounds.  This may be so but many of the links are to gambling sites or magazine subscriptions that require an upfront deposit which doubtless you can get refunded if you cancel within a specified period.  So it probably is possible to make money if you’re prepared to share your card details with all and sundry and have the world’s most organised diary for ringing up and cancelling services.  20 worrying obligations would sound a better name…

Next I tried a place called Opinion Outposts.  This site gives you points for filling in surveys which then cash out to paypal.  However, I discovered that the catch is one is not a valid participant to many of the surveys.  Most of them ask you questions up front to discover how boring you are and having no interest in sport, wine, buying things for the sake of ownership or conspicuous consumption I was unable to qualify for most of the surveys.   Clearly it is not aimed at those with little to no disposable income who are probably the only people sad enough to have the time to do it...

Outpost is the right word.  It is like being exiled to a mental Siberia where one answers one boring question after another purely in search of money.  About half way through I was resigned to the fact this is a waste of time but felt compelled to continue in an attempt to cash in my points for £2.50 via paypal.  This must be one of the most tedious ways of making money I have ever encountered and I can only think it might come in useful as something to do during tedious phone conversations instead of scribbling on a pad.  Apparently there are many other such sites offering the dystopian opportunity to empty one’s mind for cash instead of putting anything useful in it … but doubtless most of them would also conclude that since I have opted out of consumerism to do things like reading and writing then there is not much point in investing in me…

Yet another failed career....

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