Wednesday 7 August 2019

How many car mechanics does it take to change a lightbulb?

I was driving about some time ago when some cheerful soul with an Eastern European accent (the ones we are having Brexit over) alerted me in a rather British way as we were both stuck in a traffic jam to the fact my rear brake light had gone out.  

So the next day I rang up my local main dealer (at the approximate time of day that the call centre where they know nothing technical are not available to intercept all calls with pointless upselling questions) and asked them if they could change the lightbulb.

“Not until Tuesday (6 days time) I’m afraid – we haven’t got the hours.”

“But it’s only changing a bulb?”

“Yes but we haven’t got the hours.”

"But you're in retail and I can get done for this so can't you make time?"

"No, all the hours are gone."

So I rang another dealer and they said they were too busy to make an appointment but would ring me back when they had time...

So I thought it can’t be that hard I’ll ask Kwik-Fit...  so I rang up the local branch.

“Hello I’ve got a Vauxhall Corsa - my brake light’s gone, can you change it?”

“Oh, I don’t know that we’ve got the parts in stock…”

“Sorry mate, you’re a garage for people who can’t afford the main dealer …isn’t having this kind of stuff in stock kind of the point of you…?”

“Well, I’m not sure which would be the right light”

“Oh forget it …”

Of course I could get him the right light but if he doesn't know which light is right before he's done the labour it doesn't inspire much confidence in his ability to take the light housing off and get it back on again correctly and I don't want him messing up the warranty...

So I googled it.  It’s not as hard as changing the front bulb which involves removing most of the front wing…

…but really it's still painful and... why does it have to be this hard?  It’s like someone sits round at the design stage and says “Well, we want to make changing the bulbs difficult – not so difficult that an idiot can’t still do it but hard enough that the customer is too scared to try it for themselves.  I thought we could start by having different filaments for different bulb types and then hiding the screws behind a panel so it’s really hard to see around the corner…  Then we could make the bulb boxes look the same…"

Never mind I can drive without a brake light for a week?  After all what’s the worst that can happen?  £60 fine, 3 penalty points and someone drives right up my arse…

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