Tuesday, 18 September 2018

The RISE festival

It has to be said that this blog is 50 per cent me moaning and 49 per cent me sneering but it is also important to recognise that there is still 1 per cent left over.  So here is a post about something that isn't totally awful.  The outbreak of street art that is the Croydon RISE festival.  Here are two of the more interesting pices that one can gawp at for free...

Up North End there's a phone box that has been eaten slightly...

...and on the service entrance to George's Walk
an ever so slightly depressed young lady

More here


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When you put up a poster to show the world your happy smiling employees...

 ...but they do not want their phizog on it or even the correct silhouette for their sex and one person doesn't exist at all...

Least ignored nonsense this month...